OVERNIGHT WARMING LOCATIONS Alton, Edwardsville, and Granite City Illinois
The Overnight Warming Locations (OWL) in Alton and Edwardsville address a critical need for our unhoused neighbors when the overnight temperature is projected to be 20 degrees or lower.
GET INSIDE Our first objective is to prevent death or serious injury to our most vulnerable population during extreme cold. We provide warm housing, meals, clothing, showers, and survival items such as tents, sleeping bags and personal hygiene items. GET CONNECTED Once inside, our focus is getting connected personally, learning their stories and building a culture of mutual respect and concern. This connection can be life changing for both guests and volunteers. GET WELL Lastly, we actively build partnerships with area organizations and service providers to help individuals connect with resources they need. We have assisted guests in obtaining housing, getting medical care, securing transportation, applying for IDs and assistance programs, and addressing city ordinances.
Individuals Served in 2023–2024 148
Average Activations Per Year 20
Meals Served in 2023–2024 1200
Total Volunteers 226
Volunteers Per Activation Night 50–60
OWL HISTORY The Overnight Warming Center of Alton was formed in 2019 by local ministers and concerned volunteers after a homeless man froze to death in Alton. The organization has operated every winter season since then. During the inaugural year, we located a facility, recruited and trained volunteers, researched and prepared operating protocol, secured operating supplies, arranged for food preparation and delivery, and fundraised to pay expenses. The next two years brought the challenge of restructuring the entire program to incorporate COVID precautions. The goal was to stay open while keeping our guests and volunteers safe. As the program grew, other communities began to reach out for guidance on opening a warming center. In 2023, the Alton location assisted Edwardsville in opening a warming location, bringing them into the fold under the revised name of the Overnight Warming Locations (OWL).